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What is a good ad?


This is a great time to talk about what makes a good ad. We just had the Super Bowl, which has really become the Ad Bowl. Advertisers spent $5 million or more this year for a 30 second spot. If you are spending that much money to run an ad one time, it better be great. But everyone that watched the Super Bowl knows that’s not the case.


One of the biggest problems with ads, especially Super Bowl ads, is the lack of brand recall. The emphasis of these ads tends to be on the creative execution, which ends up overpowering the brand identity. How many times do you remember a really funny ad, but you can’t remember who the ad was for. That advertiser just wasted $5 million.


So, how do you get your audience to remember your brand? Well, that’s where your advertising agency comes in. Your agency should provide a mix of creative and brand that your audience will remember. Your ads should be unexpected — something different that stands out in the crowd and gets you noticed. Your ads must be relevant — they must appeal to your target’s needs and desires. Your ads must be memorable — not just the creative execution, but also your message and your brand.


If you’re not getting that from your current marketing campaigns, maybe it’s time to look for a new agency.



